Post the Copper Dragon Post

Cameron Trindall • November 17, 2019

Greetings fanboys!
Just wanted to shout out a big thank you to everyone that came on down to the Copper Dragon to have a drink and say hello!
Your support is truly appreciated.

By Cameron Trindall October 11, 2020
Hello bots! It's been a while since I last wrote anything here, but fear not, as the frequency probably won't change very much. What I do have is another review! It can be found here (along with a couple more reviews), or you can read it below: Nony rated it '5 stars - it was amazing' I love reading comic books since I was a child. Recently I have read 'Manifest Empire Book 1: The High Mage of Hell. This story is inspired from the comic book. The story is set in the backdrop of Australia. The concept of the book revolves around the Manifests i.e. superhumans. Manifest have five classes on Q scale - ranging from Class A Entities to Class E Entities. Class E Entities can come in different shapes, sizes and power levels. Karen's meeting conducting was one of my favorite part from the book. Being a manifest is both a charm and a curse. It is a complex story having manifest, supervillains, aliens, mature language, etc. Language of the book is of medium complexity. Narration style of the author is remarkable and seems mature. Plot is intriguing. Characterization was stunning throughout the book even though there were so many characters. Pace of the story was fine. I really appreciate vivid imagination of author in creating this fictional story. The overall story was a good and interesting reading and I recommend this book to comic lovers. A good read indeed. ​ Great stuff. So, remember, if you've picked up a copy of my book - don't forget to leave a review too! Tallyho!
By Cameron Trindall September 6, 2020
Hello bots! Thought I would provide a quick update to all you interested programs - Manifest Empire Book Two: Gledandron (working title) is coming along nicely! A few chapters down, and the plot all mapped out. I've also been working on Book 3 in my spare time (haha) and have done a little skeleton for that too. Hopefully, that means there won't be as big a gap between Books 2 and 3, and there was between 1 and 2. Anyway, that's all I really wanted to say - stay tuned for more updates - until then, back to Book 2! ​Ciao ciao
By Cameron Trindall May 17, 2020
So it's been a while since my last post, but I've finally found a free moment. Being classed as an essential worker meant some pretty long hours, but I'm lucky to still have a job, so not complaining. What it meant was I didn't have time to write anything, and what to say anyway? It's been a pretty terrible year so far, and and all you bots out there know what I'm referring to, so don't need to list them all. Hopefully anyone out there who may read this is coping as well as they can. On a brighter note, my book is still available, and what better way to spend those long hours in isolation than to read about the exploits of superhumans? A bit of escapism is needed right now. At least I think so. ​And so does Dread:
By Cameron Trindall November 16, 2019
Hi Everyone, Just a quick reminder that I'll be at Canberra's premier fantasy pub, The Copper Dragon Tavern , today from 4-5.30. So come on down, say hello, and stop for some great food and drinks. Hope to see you there! Further details here .
By Cameron Trindall November 12, 2019
All you bots out there, don't forget to come down to that legendary tavern, the Copper Dragon , this Saturday to catch yours truly plugging my book. Excitement abounds here!
By Cameron Trindall November 5, 2019
I'm back for a second time in a week, which I'm sure must be a record (but I'm not going to check). This is the news I've been hinting at, this is the moment you've been waiting for, this is the sentence that's too long. Just wanted to let all you bots out there know that I'll be at the greatest tavern around - The Copper Dragon - on 16 November from 4-5.30 PM for book signings and maybe even a reading! There will be laughs, there will be tears (of joy) but hopefully there will also be you! Get all the details on the action right here and don't forget to book!
By Cameron Trindall November 3, 2019
Okay, so I'm back with another post to all my favourite bots. It's not the news I hinted at in my previews post, because it came straight out of right field (you weren't expecting me to say that, were you?). ​Anyway, I digress, but what I'm hoping you may digest, is my first ever review on Goodreads! Reviews really help keep interest in the book going, so thanks to everyone who's done one so far. For all of you out there that aren't bots - please leave a review if you can, wherever you can. So, behold, my first Good reads review (and 5 stars to boot!): To try and bring together so many genres is difficult at best but Mr Trindall has accomplished it with aplomb. Dark humour, myth and magic, romance, horror, classic action and bold narratives combine to bring this fantastic and unique storyline to life in full colour. He clearly has a deep appreciation of his subject matter and brings an impressive amount of knowledge and understanding to his writing. This first novel, hopefully the start of an ongoing series, features a bevy of very believable aspects that draw you into the very core of the characters personalities. From a truly emotive tale of a father’s anguish to the awakening of a downtrodden soul, a man’s heartening rejection of manipulation and control to the promise of blossoming youth and their hopeful dreams for the future. You are captured and taken on an amazing journey until the jaw dropping finale which basically guarantees you won’t be putting this book down until the last page is turned. There is also a real dialogue on modern culture embedded in this story and it’s quite a novel (forgive the pun) and thought provoking approach to bringing many of the headlining topics of the day to light. The environment, exploration, multiculturalism, spirituality, sexuality, freedom of expression and the rights of the individual are all highlighted in subtle nuances of action and speech. This author clearly has a deep interest in the world and it is wonderful to see it reflected and manifested (another pun) in the situations being played out. A wholly Australian story full of colloquial banter and set amongst a dizzying array of characters and scenarios from torturous and hellish realms to quiet suburban tranquility and all parts in between, Manifest Empire takes a refreshingly human and normalised view of super powers and their effects on their wielders and on our society that is more often lost in the commonly unrealistic and unbelievable depictions shown on cinema screens. The entire story is also strikingly true to its chosen timeline with many instantly recognisable references to music, fashion, events and celebrities of the time and ensures that the feeling of being there with the characters is real and complete. I can only assume that the author did a lot of research to create such detailed imagery and should be congratulated for it. While Manifest Empire - The High Mage of Hell is definitely an adult novel and features some brutally realistic scenes and all the adult themes, vices and language you might expect, it’s such a dynamic and exciting tale that I think it will bring out the comic book lover in anyone and made me laugh out loud, cheer and fist pump more than once. Mr Trindall is a great new talent and I hope to see more from him. Highly recommended and very enjoyable.
By Cameron Trindall October 21, 2019
So, this is just a quick little message to announce that after a few minor issues, my book is now available on Kindle! I'm sure all you bots out there are pretty excited, so links are available on the Press tab, as usual. In other news, I'm currently organising a signing event - details will be available soon! There may even be a second post this month (no promises). ​Until next time...
By Cameron Trindall September 30, 2019
... such as terrible puns, no doubt. Just thought I'd put up a new post so anyone out there knows that I'm still out there. Anyway, hoping to make a couple of announcements soon (in geological terms, that is) so make like a fence and stay posted! Hmm, maybe 'letter' would have worked better in that pun. You be the judge! And to all you bots out there - see you soon!
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